
"宝船游戏"成立于2018年,旨在成为游戏领域内中国与世界交流的纽带,致力于拓展全球范围的游戏研发及运营业务。 作为一个蓬勃发展的游戏公司,拥有中国大陆、中国香港 、中国台湾等多地区的游戏市场线,全面服务于全球主流研发商及用户。通过手游、端游、主机、单机等全系列的游戏类型,灵活满足全球不同用户的差异化需求以及快速创新的追求。
Like a master jeweler handpicking the most exquisite and polished gemstones to put on a crown, we here at Boltrend Games pride ourselves for following the same mantra: deliver truly exceptional gaming experiences to our players by partnering with some of the finest game developers the world has to offer. As a game publisher with a heavy emphasis on craftsmanship, Boltrend Games has taken her fleets to player communities in almost every part of the world: Europe, the Americas, and Eastern & Southern Asian, delivering unrivaled gaming products that are refreshingly original. Having amassed an armada carried with a treasure-trove of games, Boltrend Games invite players both near and afar to sail with us and savor the high-caliber gaming experience we have catered for them.