Super Clone : roguelike游戏截图
Super Clone : roguelike游戏截图
Super Clone : roguelike游戏截图
Super Clone : roguelike游戏截图
Super Clone : roguelike游戏截图
Super Clone : roguelike游戏截图
Super Clone : roguelike游戏截图
Super Clone : roguelike

Super Clone : roguelike



简介You are the only SUPER CLONE hero on the cyberpunk world stolen by robots. Please save the world and find your lost memories. Explore cities, collect pieces of lost memories and upgrade your weapons and equipment! You'd be able to enjoy the hidden fun of finding the disappearing cat and create limitless battle possibilities via the combination of stage-by-stage skill upgrades. > Super Clone again - Be the hero by defeating rogue robots and saving stolen cities - Explorer weapons and skills for making the perfect super clone! - Customize your super clone by choosing a cyberpunk design armor > Action with styles - Splendid impact according to weapon selection - Rogue-like action shooting game that will give you a sense of impact that rogue-like puzzles and rogue-like RPG cannot give! > Endless battles and growth system - Upgrade your Super Clone's guns, armor, and abilities with rewards obtained in stages with the Rogue-like system! - Find spectacular actions that can only be acquired during the game! - Choose from a variety of powerful guns, armor, and skills to fight against hundreds of patterns of mechanical robots. - Upgrade your super clone to become a hero! > Stylish battle - Sensual cyberpunk retro design created with 3D graphics, colorful light effects and deep sound, cool hitting impact are basic! - Visual pleasure from various themes of cities and robots! - Experience shooting action with your five senses! > We recommend Super Clone for these people - People who like cyberpunk design - Anyone who likes action shooting games - Who likes roguelike upgrade games - People who want to create a variety of superclone hero by choosing armor, weapons, and skills - A person who was looking for a game with a colorful hitting feeling, not a boring rogue-like game Please stay tuned! the fast updates for next stages and new game mode will find you!
游戏时长 73.7 小时
机器:oneplus 8,android 11,氧os 11.0.2,下载自google play,启动、游戏运行均无问题,有的时候有轻微掉帧,耗电量正常略微偏高一点点
总体来说个人觉得可算类rogue里的优质作品。节奏好,难度适中,视觉风格当简则简,技能中规中矩中也有一些创新(比如得金币回血),美术和效果可以算同类游戏里面前10%的,是给人感觉预算很足的一个3d low poly风格,个人很吃这类。横屏虽然不是我更偏好的游戏模式,但不得不说的确比竖屏发挥空间大了很多。可以带不同类型僚机这个设定有点意思。喜欢不同武器的设定,武器和武器之间的差别也足够明显,例如shotgun就射速慢但单次攻击伤害高,初始枪就射速快但单词攻击相对低。金币不容易赚,但消耗相比于其他同类游戏来说相对也较小(其他游戏经常是一个地图从lv1到lv50一局下来1k2-2k个金币,这个游戏在我目前的进度lv1-15的一个chapter打下来能有几十~一百,但给枪升级lv1也就需要50,给人物升级相对较要多很多了),所以个人感觉升级难度和游戏轻松感方面平衡是不错的。
不足之处:1 有bug!选择看广告复活之后游戏就卡住了???也没进广告也没复活,就眼看着人物倒在地上然后游戏完全不动了。等了一分多钟也还是这样,调不出暂停菜单,只能后台清进程强行重启游戏。2 个人感觉剧情没必要。英雄被复活之后重新开始复仇啥的实在老套,本来剧情就简单没深度,台词(我看的是英文版)又显得很弱智,就emmmm可以说是给游戏整体感受减分了,因为本来就视觉、粒子效果等等方面我觉得这游戏是很简约酷炫快节奏的风格。可以考虑死而复生/死后被克隆这部分剧情几个story board讲完,甚至可以把剧情埋到游戏章节里,打完一个章节给点提示线索这样。3 每关过后的分支传送门意义不明,白色小人、黄色子弹、红色机枪这些图样分别代表什么?如果颜色是和接下来的关卡的难度对应的,那是不是难度差异做得有点太不明显了,至少我根本没感觉到精英关和普通关的差别?4 每关结束后的buff不叠加,即使看起来是可以叠加的(例如 连续两次选择双倍金币也并不会让你真的拿到4倍金币),但这个除了自己多实验之外没有其他渠道知道
来自 一加手机8
来自 黑鲨游戏手机 3
来自 小米Letv X620
来自 三星Galaxy A51