Life in Adventure游戏截图
Life in Adventure

Life in Adventure



简介Discord server open! 网页链接 Game description 'Life in Adventure' is a text-based game written by the creator of 'Life is a game'. In this D&D style fantasy, you become an adventurer, living through various encounters, battling against creatures and forging your path in a world, where your choice matters. The events and options you will face include a variety of conditions, such as your stats, items, resources and the choices you make throughout your journey. Can you achieve the goals you set when you started your adventure? Or will your life end as an ordinary adventurer? Everything depends on your choices sprinkled with a bit of luck. ╰(°▽°)╯ ★ Multiple storylines Choose from multiple diverse storylines, which house unique encounters and options. ★ Combat System Hold on to your weapons and defeat the enemies in your way! ★ Pixel Art Various situations are expressed in emotional pixel art. ★ Various Epilogues The ending depends on how you choose. Check out the various epilogues. ★ Ranking System Explore strategies to increase your high score and beat your previous runs. ★ Complete your Collection Collect various epilogues, monsters, and items. More content being developed ☆ Additional adventure goals We're working on adding adventure goals (main scenarios). ☆ Characteristics Various characteristics will be added to help with the adventure. ☆ Challenge task System Tasks will be added to add a small goal to your adventure. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Contact us Facebook 网页链接 Privacy Policy 网页链接

23年圣诞节进度通报: 非常抱歉没有翻完,马来小哥DA升学进高中了,我下半年订婚了,分身乏术 再次提醒各位:想加入志愿翻译的,可以从discord里找到life in adventure频道,进去之后和开发者kiki私聊或者进子频道kiki和她说一声你想加入志愿翻译者,如果能独立完成这一环节,那么你的英语水平肯定能胜任志愿翻译者! 最后,没有翻完非常抱歉!给各位磕一个了 志愿翻译进度: 我是游戏的志愿翻译者之一,在官方频道中Id为Chin,和我一起从年初干到现在的志愿翻译者是图1的DA,目前官方的简中翻译共四位,还有两位是近段时间新来的,没在线就没截图。 本来我们计划是年底能完成,但是我和DA下半年学业繁忙,放在翻译上的时间大幅度降低,进展缓慢,但也不是没有动,只是今年是实在完不成了。 游戏中,需要翻译的内容分类在图2,这是初次翻译的进度,其后还有校对和润色环节。 就目前而言,大部分短句已经完成了初次翻译,如成就、怪物描述、物品描述等等,剧情长文本是游戏的精华,也是最有挑战性的翻译。因为这个游戏是韩国工作室开发,为了更贴近原文表达的含义,我会对照韩英双语后再进行初次翻译,耗时增加。 我主要翻译支线剧情,所有支线事件大约一千六百个段落,少的几句话,多的一大段。 这个帖子的主要目的是告诉各位简中翻译在进行中,所有语种的翻译人员都是志愿参与翻译,没有工资,也许进度不尽人意,但是我们都是因为喜欢这个游戏而聚在一起。 我不是经常上taptap,祝各位天天开心:)